YUI2 Diary

Diary is a widget to render and manipulate a diary.

Field maps and filtering example

This is a live version of the example on the overview page with some extra features. The example demonstrates how to use the fieldMap config attribute and how to filter your DiaryItems.

fieldMap config attribute

The fieldMap configuration attribute lets you map fields in your DataSource to the expected field names for the Diary. The field names expected are iCalendar style but your DataSource doesn't need to follow this. In this example, the data has a field called starttime, and a couple of extras: DESCRIPTION and category. category will be used for filtering.


The data now looks like this: var dataArr = [ {starttime: "2010/02/01 08:00", DTEND:"2010/02/01 10:30", SUMMARY: "Doctors appointment" , DESCRIPTION : "Go and see Jack about my back", category: "personal" }, {starttime: "2010/02/01 09:00", DTEND:"2010/02/01 11:30", SUMMARY: "Write some code", DESCRIPTION : "More Diary examples", category: "work"}, {starttime: "2010/02/04 11:30", DTEND:"2010/02/04 12:30", SUMMARY: "Client meeting", DESCRIPTION : "Go and see Jack about my back", category: "work important"} ]; and the response schema is now: data.responseSchema = { resultsList : "VCALENDAR", fields : [ { key: "starttime" , parser:"date" }, { key: "DTEND" , parser:"date" }, { key: "SUMMARY" }, { key: "DESCRIPTION" }, { key: "category" } ] };

Diary javascript

The only change is the config object literal we pass to the constructor; it includes a fieldMap object that maps starttime and category fields to DTSTART and backClass respectively: var cfg = { startDate: new Date("2010/01/31") , // first day to show in the Diary width: 800, // width in px scaleColumns: true, // whether to stretch columns to fit display: { format: "week" , startTime: 8, endTime: 20 }, // display format: times as 24 hr calenderNav: true, // whether to use a YAHOO.widget.Calendar in the navigation fieldMap: { DTSTART: "starttime", backClass: "category" } }; Diary will now know to use the starttime field as the DTSTART value.

The Diary will also take the values in the backClass (i.e. "category" in this example) field and add them as classes to the container of each DiaryItem. This enables styling of different types of event as needed. There is also a detailClass property which does the same thing but adds the style to the html element containing the actual text of the Diary item. For this example we have the additional styles .lplt-diary-item.work{ background-color: #A7DFA7; } .lplt-diary-item.personal{ background-color: #EFC986; } .lplt-diary-item.important{ border-color: red; }

We can also use these categories as filters. Diary has a method addItemFilter which takes a Selector string, prepends it with "lplt-diary-item" (the class added to the container of DiaryItems), and hides matches. removeItemFilter removes the filter. This does nothing to the data; it just adds a "lplt-diary-item-hidden" class to hide them from the display. Filters continue to be applied when you navigate to a different week. To add some buttons to show and hide personal and work items, we add some (simple) controls: <button id="filterwork" value="hide work" >hide work</button> <button id="unfilterwork" value="show work" >show work</button> <button id="filterpersonal" value="hide personal" >hide personal</button> <button id="unfilterpersonal" value="hide personal" >show personal</button> and some simple event listeners: YAHOO.util.Event.on( "filterwork", "click" , function(){this.addItemFilter( ".work" );}, myDiary , true ); YAHOO.util.Event.on( "unfilterwork", "click" , function(){this.removeItemFilter( ".work" );}, myDiary , true ); YAHOO.util.Event.on( "filterpersonal", "click" , function(){this.addItemFilter( ".personal" );}, myDiary , true ); YAHOO.util.Event.on( "unfilterpersonal", "click" , function(){this.removeItemFilter( ".personal" );}, myDiary , true );